Appendix B References ¶
B.1 Books ¶
- Jonathan M. Borwein and Peter B. Borwein, “Pi and the AGM: A Study in
Analytic Number Theory and Computational Complexity”, Wiley, 1998.
- Richard Crandall and Carl Pomerance, “Prime Numbers: A Computational
Perspective”, 2nd edition, Springer-Verlag, 2005.
- Henri Cohen, “A Course in Computational Algebraic Number Theory”, Graduate
Texts in Mathematics number 138, Springer-Verlag, 1993.
- Donald E. Knuth, “The Art of Computer Programming”, volume 2,
“Seminumerical Algorithms”, 3rd edition, Addison-Wesley, 1998.
- John D. Lipson, “Elements of Algebra and Algebraic Computing”,
The Benjamin Cummings Publishing Company Inc, 1981.
- Alfred J. Menezes, Paul C. van Oorschot and Scott A. Vanstone, “Handbook of
Applied Cryptography”,
- Richard M. Stallman and the GCC Developer Community, “Using the GNU Compiler
Collection”, Free Software Foundation, 2008, available online, and in the GCC package
B.2 Papers ¶
- Yves Bertot, Nicolas Magaud and Paul Zimmermann, “A Proof of GMP Square
Root”, Journal of Automated Reasoning, volume 29, 2002, pp. 225-252. Also
available online as INRIA Research Report 4475, June 2002,
- Christoph Burnikel and Joachim Ziegler, “Fast Recursive Division”,
Max-Planck-Institut fuer Informatik Research Report MPI-I-98-1-022,
- Torbjörn Granlund and Peter L. Montgomery, “Division by Invariant Integers
using Multiplication”, in Proceedings of the SIGPLAN PLDI’94 Conference, June
1994. Also available
- Niels Möller and Torbjörn Granlund, “Improved division by invariant
integers”, IEEE Transactions on Computers, 11 June 2010.
- Torbjörn Granlund and Niels Möller, “Division of integers large and
small”, to appear.
- Tudor Jebelean,
“An algorithm for exact division”,
Journal of Symbolic Computation,
volume 15, 1993, pp. 169-180.
Research report version available
- Tudor Jebelean, “Exact Division with Karatsuba Complexity - Extended
Abstract”, RISC-Linz technical report 96-31,
- Tudor Jebelean, “Practical Integer Division with Karatsuba Complexity”,
ISSAC 97, pp. 339-341. Technical report available
- Tudor Jebelean, “A Generalization of the Binary GCD Algorithm”, ISSAC 93,
pp. 111-116. Technical report version available
- Tudor Jebelean, “A Double-Digit Lehmer-Euclid Algorithm for Finding the GCD
of Long Integers”, Journal of Symbolic Computation, volume 19, 1995,
pp. 145-157. Technical report version also available
- Werner Krandick and Tudor Jebelean, “Bidirectional Exact Integer Division”,
Journal of Symbolic Computation, volume 21, 1996, pp. 441-455. Early
technical report version also available
- Makoto Matsumoto and Takuji Nishimura, “Mersenne Twister: A 623-dimensionally
equidistributed uniform pseudorandom number generator”, ACM Transactions on
Modelling and Computer Simulation, volume 8, January 1998, pp. 3-30.
Available online
- R. Moenck and A. Borodin, “Fast Modular Transforms via Division”,
Proceedings of the 13th Annual IEEE Symposium on Switching and Automata
Theory, October 1972, pp. 90-96. Reprinted as “Fast Modular Transforms”,
Journal of Computer and System Sciences, volume 8, number 3, June 1974,
pp. 366-386.
- Niels Möller, “On Schönhage’s algorithm and subquadratic integer GCD
computation”, in Mathematics of Computation, volume 77, January 2008, pp.
- Peter L. Montgomery, “Modular Multiplication Without Trial Division”, in
Mathematics of Computation, volume 44, number 170, April 1985.
- Arnold Schönhage and Volker Strassen, “Schnelle Multiplikation grosser
Zahlen”, Computing 7, 1971, pp. 281-292.
- Kenneth Weber, “The accelerated integer GCD algorithm”,
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software,
volume 21, number 1, March 1995, pp. 111-122.
- Paul Zimmermann, “Karatsuba Square Root”, INRIA Research Report 3805,
November 1999,
- Paul Zimmermann, “A Proof of GMP Fast Division and Square Root
- Dan Zuras, “On Squaring and Multiplying Large Integers”, ARITH-11: IEEE
Symposium on Computer Arithmetic, 1993, pp. 260 to 271. Reprinted as “More
on Multiplying and Squaring Large Integers”, IEEE Transactions on Computers,
volume 43, number 8, August 1994, pp. 899-908.
- Niels Möller, “Efficient computation of the Jacobi symbol”,